Thursday, February 16, 2012

Motion Picture Association Of America

For this blog post I decided to analyze the Motion Picture Association Of America. I know that my interest is more in the area of extreme sports but after doing some research this was my best option.
            The website itself looks super well done and I like the slideshow feature with all the famous artist/movies they were in. It automatically reminds me about that emotional connection I`ve built with them over the years.
            Within their “blog” section there are multiple little blog posts about recently occurring topics like: the super bowl sweep, Open act falls short, Senator Dodd on Pro Jobs and Anti-Piracy Legislation.
I liked the Anti-Piracy post because it`s definitely something that’s happening right now. It’s a huge problem for not just the film world but also the entertainment business in general. People are able to just go online, seed, leech and download illegal content from the palm of their hands. The website even goes as far as calling these people criminals and I`m honestly not surprised. It does take away jobs and it does cause major harm. They keep on going with stating that it’s becoming a “sincere discussion about how best to protect the millions of American jobs affected by the theft of American intellectual property.” But for us to be able to protect what’s ours we must learn to work together and maybe one day we can stop the online piracy.
            On another interesting part of the associations website they go into showcasing their existence in recent news articles. Which I personally like to see because it`s always good to be up to date on what’s happening currently within our industry. The very first post that caught my eye was an article published in The New York Times, Sunday Review. The headline reads: The Perpetual War: Pirates andCreators. It goes into discussion about how online piracy has been growing and taking leaps and bounds into the media world. Which is definitely not good news. Looking at the graphs its scary to imagine how the online safety`s going to look like in the next couple of years. It`s a huge problem for not only the Motion Picture association, but also the extreme sports world. I can`t emphasize how many times I’ve heard of an awesome new video coming out but before I can even go to the store and get one my friend`s have downloaded it offline. It`s our own choice whether to be a part of this or take a stand. Whatever we do, one thing is certain. Piracy`s not going to stop and we must choose which side we take in the battle and stick with it.   


Monday, February 6, 2012

I want to start by saying that It hasn`t been too long since I discovered TED but I`m sure that well keep on seeing the positive effects of speeches like this one floating around the web. Through these videos/posts people are not just able to learn about a certain topic but can also reply, send a video back or even create their own TED event. The speaker Chris Anderson is a funny but intelligent fellow from England.
He inspired the audience by telling them that there`s more to the world and TED than we would think and that we must use technology to our advantage. There is a great example from the video, the world and all of us that are living in it. If you just look at a number of people without interaction just doing their own thing, there wont be too much innovation. But If you look at the individual people and their unique taste, hobbies and past experiences. You can see how the Internet allows us to share out thoughts instantly through videos like this one. Like Chris said the little 6-year-old boy was just a fan of breakdancing but through his interaction with the world, putting up his video he reached a level of dancing he could`ve never been able to. Social Networking is becoming huge and we must use it to our advantage.
I definitely agree with the speaker and how we need to share our passion/skills with others through the web. Therefore helping others while getting feedback on our own topic. Adversity is being overcome on many levels. First of all there`s a broad range of different types of people/counties in the video not to mention the multiple languages and how more people in more countries can watch TED now!
I also really liked the whole Kenya TED movement and how we`re able to communicate in even more ways with the way HD video and technology has been evolving. Needless to say the Web is moving at such a high speed therefore allowing us to exchange information and share the passion we have. This speech definitely helped me to develop a deeper understanding of the speakers’ topics through their entertaining speech and all of the visual effects. Personally I liked the drawings/animation/flow of the presentations. I know the Internet and web videos are still evolving but seeing what technology enabled us to do thus far keeps me wondering what could be next?