Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Digital Marketing, and the way it's influenced Extreme sports media


Digital Marketing, and the way it's influenced Extreme sports media

In this weeks blog post, I’m going to be discussing how the digital landscape changed the way we view extreme sports media today.  With more detail on wakeboarding films, and how they evolved over the years. From the good old 16, and 35mm days, to todays RED and phantom like, high fps super high res/high quality images.  With this in mind, not only the shooting of these movies, but also the marketing of them, have been influenced tons by the digital revolution.
Back in 2005, filmmakers like SeanKilgus were using 16 mm film stock to make the movie “Butter Effect” 

 That’s a lot different than what some of todays digital cameras are able to do. Just like this long boarding Phantom video shows. 

Another perfect example of some RED work is this Red Bull Cranberry field project. 

 Needless to say these cameras are very costly and most companies only even rent them for special occasions. Some producers still might claim that films better than digital and that’s not what I’m trying to debate. If the client wants film I wouldn’t have a problem with using any stock. Just like the way the Internet changed the way products are being sold and advertised. Back in 2005 we were lucky if we found the DVD we were looking for. When in todays age all we need to do, is login to our iTunes account, and purchase the digital version online.  
            A lot has been changing but most companies take advantage of this digital wave and they use it to their best advantage. It’s the consumers that have also been getting used to this change and we’re just ready for the next big thing to show us how last year this latest format is. The innovation is unstoppable and inevitable.